CAS Waterpark Royal Tirta Anugrah Cikole, Pandeglang
In collaboration with the education and tourism services, supported by sports teachers and all related parties and club swimming, recreational attractions to generate a safe atmosphere, comfortable, outstanding quality.
CAS WATER PARK ROYAL or TIRTA Pool ANUGRAH ™ is a recreational park for exercise and tourism in the region-PANDEGLANG CIKOLE BANTEN. Here is developed a variety of tourist facilities and public facilities and training for city students Pandeglang, so recreation and tourism are expected to no longer must exercise far out of town, holding the principle of improving performance and school students cheap relatives attractions in the city of Pandeglang, which they believed to be The main options for recreation and training, in addition to other resorts there dipandeglang. With complete support facilities, safe and comfortable, this place is always packed with visitors of all ages, all relatives, all the citizens.
With the frequent holding of the games sports pool, whether it is for primary, junior, senior, and general of the various levels of district championship, district and provincial levels are expected to get athletes on earth banten pool, trained from an early age so they can create in to athletes professionals to represent our region and country of Indonesia.
The existence of this pool is also helpful community's economy and reduce unemployment, has over 40 workers, including masons, citizens participate masyarakatpun earning, with businesses opening and hawker stalls and income from parking near the pool.
For the price Main Entrance Ticket: Rp. 5000 For All Age.
Entrance Ticket Prices And Other Facilities:
For Your Child The Company Brings School, kindergarten level s / d in high school can you negotiate with the tickets, you will receive a discount.
Vehicle Pool Ball Tickets: Rp. 5000
Vehicle Mini Train Ticket: Rp. 3000
Ticket Boat Vehicle Play: Rp. 3000
Flush the toilet & Room: Rp. 1000
Locker Room / Care Products: Rp. 1000
Building Facilities, Saung, Mushola, Vehicle Mini Zoo, FREE.
Tourism Region Direction Towards CAS Waterpark Royal Tirta Anugrah, Cikole Pandeglang - Banten
Directions from Jakarta, Serang.
You can get through the main highway towards Labuan, after the market and Pandeglang square, straight towards Labuan, the first red dilampu (Maja Red Light) which is only three red lemapu, turn left.
go towards CIBIUK, before the intersection Cikole or before the bridge there Cikole Village Gate, 100 meters from there you have reached the CAS Waterpark Royal Tirta Anugrah.
Another alternative: through Jl. Eastern AMD, Cikole Junction Turn Right, Through Bridge and Entry Village Little Cikole.
Another alternative: through Jl. AMD East, Junction Cikole Turn left, and Little Bridge Through Sign Cikole Village.
Direction of Labuan:
Passing Jl. Raya Pandeglang towards Pandeglang, red dilampu teenage crossroad turn right, go towards CIBIUK, before the intersection Cikole or before the bridge there Cikole Village Gate, 100 meters from there you get to the CAS Waterpark Royal Tirta Anugrah.
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