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Gendang Waterfall: A Compulsory Destination in Pandeglang Tourism

Waterfalls always provide a unique and enjoyable experience for visitors, and the Pandeglang region is known for its diverse array of waterfalls.

One particularly special waterfall in Pandeglang is Curug Gendang. This waterfall is located in Kanekes Village, Lebak Regency, Banten.

Initially known as Curug Citajur, it gained the nickname Curug Gendang due to the unique sound of its water.

With a height of approximately 170 meters above sea level, this waterfall is sourced from Mount Panganjaran.

The pool beneath the waterfall has a depth of around 13 meters and spans 10 meters in width, surrounded by lush greenery and the serenity of nature

Curug Gendang is located within the People's Forest Park, under the management of the People's Forest Park Management Agency of Banten Province. Apart from being a remarkable natural tourist destination, this forested area is reputed to hold historical significance as a refuge for heroes during the war against Dutch colonial forces.

Curug Gendang offers a range of enjoyable activities, including swimming, water play around the pool, cliff jumping after climbing, capturing moments at picturesque spots, and appreciating the beauty of the natural surroundings.

The parking fee and entrance ticket are reasonably priced, approximately Rp 2500 per person.

Access to Curug Gendang is easily reachable, merely 2 km from the Carita main road, with a travel time of about 30 minutes."

After reaching the parking area, visitors can proceed with a roughly 1 km walk along a scenic footpath, offering refreshing and tranquil views of nature.

Curug Gendang is a Pandeglang tourist destination ideal for holidays, perfect for those who seek to enjoy the beauty of nature and the excitement of water play.

(Photo by : https://excitingbanten.id/destinasi/wisata-alam/curug-gendang)

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