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Cihear Waterfall

Cihear Waterfall is located in Mount Leutik precisely in the area of Mount Salak Mist Village and the villages Cigobang Subdistrict Lebak Gedong Ciladaeun Lebak regency. Waterfall Sightseeing Cihear is very attractive, with the water flow was strong and beautiful with the water level ± 25 m, with a wide waterfall about 6 meters.

Waterfall is adjacent to the River Rafting tours Ciberang, so it is suitable for you who want to enjoy nature tourism by combining the adventure water sports and mountain climbing. During the journey to Waterfall Cihear, you can enjoy nature Mist Salak mountains, the expanse of the beautiful scenery of flora, especially if you leave in the morning, but enjoy the scenery, you can also see share of fauna such as: Java Eagle, Monkey, etc..

Can be done with a distance of 5 km through the ascent from the village Muhara for 3 hours, and 1.5 km from the village of Cigobang with time 1 Hour. From Jakarta - Via Balaraja 100 km or 80 km from Kota Serang - Via Pandeglang - Rangkasbitung with three-point travel options are:

* Route 1: Jakarta - Tol Jakarta-Merak Toll Road exit door Balaraja - Pertigaan Asem Cikande - Jawilan - Kopo - Rangkasbiung - Sajira - Cipanas - Kampung Muhara with travel time of 2.5 hours
* Route 2: Jakarta - Toll East Serang - Pandeglang - Rangkasbitung - Sajira - Cipanas - Muhara village with the distance from 3 to 3.5 hours (route comfortable, safe)
* Route 3: Bogor - Leuwiliang - Jasinga - Cipanas Village Muhara travel time 3 - 4 hours

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