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Baduy Cultural Conservation

The Baduy community in Banten is an utterly unique and closed society, which can be reached via a 10 km village road from either Cibolegar or Cibungur village in Leuwidamar district. The 50 km road from Rangkasbitung is steep. In April and May, the Baduy community is closed to outsiders, as during this time it commemorates certain ceremonies, called Seba, the offering of part of their agricultural products to the Head of the District, Sub-Regent and the Chief Resident. During this ceremony the "Puun of Baduy" sends out a group of representatives of Baduy Dalam people as well as Baduy Luar to act as the community's spokesmen. When conducting this Seba ceremony the Baduy Dalam members refuse to ride any vehicle, instead, the distance of150 km is traveled on foot as proof of their perseverance. To enter this very special Baduy area, one should obtain written permission from the Rangkasbitung District Office stating the purpose of the visit, which may take one whole week to process.

Photo : https://www.indonesia-tourism.com


  1. Thank you to post something descriptive of Baduy Village, the People of Kanekes. It will be very useful for travelers. Indeed, Baduy are inspiring and will even be more inspiring if we ever Vist Baduy--the Land, the People and their Mind.

  2. I don't know who "The www.banten tourism.web.id" owner, do the Diparda Provinsi Banten or others?
    Because, I know the Banten Province had the website is "bantenprovince.go.id".
    Can you tell me?
    Thank's for your informations.
    Good luck for "The www.banten tourism.web.id" with the completed information of the Banten.

  3. Kapan" maen ke banten lah,
    maklum gan, dah lama ga' pernah kemana"... :)
    Nice info neh gan,,,


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